A new CC season and a NEW SHS Record!

2013 Chickasaw Trails Inv.
photo by al.milesplit user “BekiMoon”
Saturday’s Chickasaw Trails Invitational was an awesome way to kick off the season. Over 3300 runners from 3 states, representing more than 100 teams competed in 8 events. NEW>>(click here for photos)<<NEW
Our Sparkman squads were heavily loaded to with “novice” competitors. 15 of our 27 runners were competing in their very first race but if they were nervous they didn’t show it.
Several of our “veteran” runners –
turned in PR performances!
Special Honors go to 7th grader Emilia Poole who set a NEW SPARKMAN RECORD in the 2.1 mile !
This was Emilia’s very first cc race!
Complete results can be found on our 2013 CC Schedule/Results page.
This was a strong start that our Senators hope to build on in next weekend’s “Scottsboro Invitational“